Component Lead Cutting/Bending/Forming for Axial/Radial Taped/Loose Components, Manual/Motorized, Electric/Pneumatic; PCB Lead Cutter, Jumper Wire Forming Machine. Manual Taped Radial Lead Trimmer HCF-101 Pneumatic Forming Machine AR-108 Automatic PCB Lead Cutter KA-66
Component Lead Cutting/Bending for Axial/Radial Taped Components Component Lead Cutting and Bending Machine Universal Component Counter CC-15
Component Lead Cutting/Forming for Axial/Radial Taped Components, Manual/Motorized Radial Tirmmer/Former for Taped Components Ebsomat 300 Axial Trimmer/Former Ebsomat 400
Component Lead Cutting, Forming, Bending Machine for Axial and Radial Components Taped/Loose Components, Manual/Motorized, Electric/Pneumatic TP6V TP6R CS1 Pneumatic Cutting Machine for Loose Radial Components TP-LN500-1 TP-LN500-2 Pneumatic Cutting Forming Machine for Taped Radial Components TP-R-PR